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Study Shows That Pinoys Googled 'Birth Control Pills' The Most In The First Trimester Of 2021

It's no secret that our lives have completely changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mental health has definitely been affected (to the point where we sometimes find ourselves randomly crying during quarantine), and we all had to adjust one way or another. Some even took their chances on starting their own side hustles and small businesses.

And because of this ongoing global health crisis, it seems like the decision to have children has also got Pinoys thinking. In a recent study conducted by Southeast Asia's leading online shopping companion, the iPrice Group, results show that in the Philippines, there has been a rising interest in birth control. According to their report, "Overall, the country's Google searches on contraceptives (birth control pills, condoms, emergency contraceptives, and even vasectomy) grew by 96 percent in the first trimester of 2021 compared to the same period of 2019.

Google searches show a rise in birth control interest and other contraceptives

Based on the graph, you'll notice that "birth control pills" peaked and got the most searches in the first trimester of 2021—with 689,780 searches to be exact. If you compare it with the first trimester of 2019 which had 361,820 searches, the study finds that the interest for birth control pills escalated by 91 percent.

contraceptives: birth control pills

The interest in emergency contraceptives, condoms, and vasectomy also saw a significant increase. In fact, Google searches on a vasectomy (which is a minor surgery done to a man to prevent a woman's pregnancy) surged by 211 percent this year. As reported by iPrice Group, "Google searches on the contraceptives mentioned have started to see an increase in 2020 and have been on a steady upward trajectory since then."

And you may already know this, but as a simple reminder, if you are considering birth control pills or any type of contraception, do not self-medicate! Be a responsible adult and make sure to consult your OB-GYN first.


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Source: Cosmo PH

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