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Is There A Correct Way To Reply To A Job Interview Email Invitation?

A job interview invitation is a great sign but it does not guarantee you a job offer. How do you increase your chances of getting hired in these initial stages of communication? When you are job hunting, every form of communication with a potential employer matters—even one as seemingly minor as an email invitation.

Your initial email correspondence showcases your interest in the job position as well as your written communication skills. You want to sound as professional as possible to secure that opportunity.

Here are a few useful tips to help you remain professional when replying to an interview invitation via email:

Be prompt and courteous.

Your professionalism should be conveyed in your prompt reply to the email invitation. This shows your respect for the employer’s time as well as your enthusiasm for the role.

Always begin your email response with a note of gratitude. Confirm your availability on the given schedule and, if in circumstance, you are not available, suggest another date and time or ask for their preferred availability.

Keep your tone professional and upbeat

You want to set a great tone in your reply. Think about this: An email invitation is more than just relaying information. It is about managing a relationship remotely. You don’t want to sound stiff or overly enthusiastic.

Lead with a social greeting like you would if you were talking face to face. This shows email courtesy and a simple, sincere sentiment. For example, one common opening statement is, “I hope this email finds you well.” Take this opportunity to demonstrate your personality in the body. Then, end your email with something equally polite like “I’m looking forward to meeting with you.”

Make the response short, clear, and positive. Concise and gracious email responses are always noticed by an employer when searching for someone to represent their company in the future.

Don’t forget the necessary details

Don’t hesitate to ask about and confirm the details outlined in their invitation. No employer will think less of a candidate to know essential information to prepare for an interview.

It might feel redundant to re-type the interview date and time, but writing it out gives the employer a chance to catch a mistake if any incorrect details were included.

Clarify any points of confusion. This serves as an opportunity to ask if there is anything you should bring or any information you can share before the interview. Often, employers will ask for you to bring several copies of your resume, other documents like government-issued identification cards, or your portfolio.

When you need to cancel or reschedule, respond politely with a short explanatory message

Sometimes, circumstances may arise that require you to cancel or reschedule even the most vital job interview.

Do not wait until the last minute to inform your potential employer about the abrupt changes. Sending a notice shows your professionalism and that you value their consideration. 

You can suggest an alternative schedule when you contact your future employer. If necessary, include an explanation in your message. It is always a good idea to be honest about why you need to reschedule, but make sure it’s a valid reason.


This article originally appeared on Minor edits have been implemented by the editors. Read the full story here.

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Source: Cosmo PH

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