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Bookmark This: How To Shave Your Face At Home To Remove Peach Fuzz

Listen, there’s absolutely no rule that says you have to shave your face (or shave anything, really), but lately, I’ve been looking for ways to make cakey foundation look smoother or to improve my skin texture, and the topic has once again come up. As if TikTok has been listening to my thoughts (how does it do this?!), my feed has suddenly been inundated with videos on how to shave your face as a solution to all my issues. But is shaving off my peach fuzz on my own really the best solution, or should I be getting a professional dermaplaning treatment instead?

So to get answers to all my questions (and probs yours too), I chatted with the experts about all things face-shaving, peach fuzz, and more. Keep reading to find out everything you've ever wanted to know about super-smooth, hair-free skin, below.

What's the difference between dermaplaning and shaving?

According to dermatologist Estee Williams, MDface shaving is a basic technique that can be done at home with a razor to remove surface-layer peach fuzz, while dermaplaning involves a dermatologist or medical esthetician carefully scraping your face with a surgical scalpel to remove hair, peach fuzz, and even part of the stratum corneum (the top layer of the skin). Think of shaving as the cheaper, easier DIY hair removal option and dermaplaning as the more effective, professional version.

Is it OK to shave peach fuzz on your face?

Do you need to shave your face? Absolutely not. Can you? Absolutely. But know that shaving isn't the be-all and end-all here. For a deep exfoliation and considerably smoother skin, you'll want to visit your dermatologist for an in-office dermaplaning treatment instead of shaving your face on your own. And if you're looking to remove coarse, full-grown hairs from your face rather than just peach fuzz, Dr. Williams actually does not recommend shaving, since it will leave you with stubble, and instead suggests trying another facial hair removal option (like waxing or laser hair removal).

So, when should you shave? Welp, shaving your face is a good option if you’re just looking to get rid of the vellus hairs (aka the tiny, soft peach fuzz all over your face) that can get in the way of applying foundation or make your skin look a little dull and lackluster. But if you want some extra skin-smoothing benefits, you should look into a professional dermaplaning treatment instead.

What is the best way to shave your face?

Put down your usual body razor or bikini trimmer and grab a clean, new face shaver—specifically, a razor that’s actually been designed for delicate peach fuzz—because the best way to shave your face is with a facial razor. Actually, while you’re at it, go ahead and grab a whole pack, because you’ll want to toss the blades after each use to be safe. The key to preventing ingrown hairs and razor burn is to use a sharp, sterile razor, so trying to get the most uses out of your blade is a definite no-go when shaving your face.

Is face shaving safe?

Yes and kinda yes. Dr. Williams explains that shaving your face can cause irritation and should be avoided if you have sensitive skin or an active acne breakout—both of which can be made worse by the sharp blades. Otherwise, TikTok-famous dermatologist Muneeb Shah, DO, (and the creator of one of the videos that popped up in my feed and got me interested) says shaving your face is safe to try at home, as long as you practice safety measures.

For one, practice holding the razor and test it on another part of your body before trying it on your face to make sure you understand how to properly angle the shaver. It's also super important to use a clean razor every. single. time. because you could nick your skin and risk an infection if the blades are dirty. No good.

How to shave your face:

Shaving your face sounds straightforward enough...until you're standing in the mirror holding a razor and filled with nerves (hi, me). So here's a breakdown of how to shave your face in four easy steps. Gather all your supplies (shop our recs below), then follow along.

  1. Cleanse. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser or a simple face wash for sensitive skin to soften your hair and clear away any grime.
  2. Apply a shave gel. Although some swear by shaving clean, dry skin to exfoliate your face, dermatologist Neal Schultz, MD, recommends using shaving cream on damp skin to deflect friction and prevent irritation. So first, wet your entire face to soften the hair follicles, then apply a thin layer of cream or gel all over the area you’re shaving.
  3. Shave in short, light strokes. Tilt the razor and lightly place it against your skin (Dr. Shah recommends holding it at a 45- or 30-degree angle). Once you have the hang of how to hold it, use short, light strokes to shave the hair in the direction that it grows to avoid ingrowns. If you need, you can use the other hand to pull the skin taut and prevent the razor from skipping or tugging on the skin.
  4. Rinse and moisturize. Splash a little water over your face to wash away any leftover fuzzies, then Dr. Shah says to follow up with a gentle, water-based moisturizer and avoid any products that contain any harsh actives, like retinol or glycolic acid, immediately afterward.

[youtube:{"videoId":"null","youtubeId":"ALqrzyA15XA", "caption":"I SHAVE MY FACE FOR INSTANT CLEAR SKIN"}]

Will my peach fuzz grow back thicker if I shave it?

At the top of basically any list of myths is the idea that shaving your hair will make it grow back thicker or darker. But don’t worry—the experts say it won’t. “That myth exists because people mistake the wispy feeling of their unshaven facial hair with the slightly blunt feeling of their clean-shaven facial hair as it starts to grow back,” says Dr. Schultz. “So it’s more about what you’re feeling and seeing versus what is actually going on.”

The final word

As is the case with most beauty treatments that have plenty of room for error, leave the face shaving to the pros for the best, safest, and most noticeable results. But if you can’t justify going for dermaplaning treatment and want to try it yourself to remove annoying hairs and help your products better penetrate, just promise you’ll *at least* use a clean razor and follow the steps above. Cool? Cool.


This article originally appeared on Minor edits have been made by the editors.

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Source: Cosmo PH

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