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5 Easy And Doable Tips To Having A Less Wasteful, More Sustainable Wardrobe

The number one biggest tip to be more sustainable when it comes to fashion? Shop your own wardrobe, and fall back in love with that you already own. Find new ways of styling, upcycling, and repairing your existing pieces to extend their life and keep them out of the landfill.

Kimberly Wyatt of the Pussycat Dolls loves to share her eco-minded fashion tips on social media. Read on for five of her top tips for making your wardrobe more planet-friendly.

  1. Upcycle

    Wyatt says, "I have a lot of clothes I’ve loved for many years. From finding and flourishing costumes for Pussycat Dolls to wearing hand-me-downs most of my life. I love watching clothes from other families handed down to our kids that then make it to new families. Most recently Max burned my jacket with an iron, so I put ironed on daisies and now I prefer it more."

  2. DIY repairs

    The singer has shared on Instagram that while our first instinct may be to replace a damaged item with something new, there's value in making manageable repairs on our own. After her daughter accidentally ripped a buttonhole, Wyatt wrote, "I couldn’t believe that my very first instinct was to buy another one. Ashamed as I am, I’m sure I’m not the only one...  Instead, I chose to mend it. #Sustainability is a huge goal for us as a family although the journey to becoming sustainable is taking much longer than I expected. But even if it’s a lifelong excursion it’s a choice that makes us feel good, teaches our children, and gives us a purpose."


  3. Shop secondhand

    Want something fresh to zhush up your look, but want to be gentler to the planet? Second-hand is a great way to go. Wyatt knows there are so many gorgeous pre-loved gems out there. Her favourite find? "A Vivienne Westwood sweater with diamantés. I love the fit, she is one of my favourite designers and I know I’ll love it forever."

  4. Consider your purchases

    Wyatt's advice? "Buy stuff that you love and feel you’ll wear at least 30 times. Don’t be tempted to buy stuff just because it’s cheap. Buy it because you love it and can’t wait to make memories wearing it!"


  5. Do your research

    If you're opting for some new purchases, consider looking into the brand's sustainability policies. There are loads of new brands committed to practicing social and eco-responsibility. Feel good, look good, win-win.


This article originally appeared on Minor edits have been made by the editors.

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Source: Cosmo PH

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