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Your Horoscope For The Week Of April 12

Overview: Let's get sensual! Romantic Venus enters pleasure-loving Taurus on April 14 and stays there until May 9. The weekend is curious, chatty, and powerful under Sunday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries. Remember to ask for what you want directly and compassionately while listening carefully and mutualizing the desires of others!



Happy Birthday, Aries! Your gift from the Universe is Venus entering Taurus on Wednesday, blessing your bank account with some bday cash. Remember to think deeply about your values and how you can put them into practice. Sunday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in your sign helps you use your words in service to sharing your desires specifically!


You're the belle of the ball, Taurus! Venus enters your sign on Wednesday, giving you more optimism and leveling-up your romantic results. Keep an open heart and move bravely into vulnerability. Sunday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries helps you put an end to a bad habit and set yourself free from a dysfunctional pattern.


Need a lil' romantic recalibration, Gemini? Venus enters your Taurus-ruled completion sector on Wednesday, helping you complete romantic dynamics gracefully so you can begin new ones. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries on Sunday connects you with your friends (digitally or safely) so you can celebrate each other's life progress!


Friend, lover, or a bit of both, Cancer? Romantic Venus enters your Taurus-ruled friendship zone on Wednesday, blurring the boundaries between the dynamics. Bring the best of friendship to romances and romance to friendship! The Sun-Mercury conjunction in your Aries-ruled career sector on Sunday gives you a breakthrough on your professional success.


Nurture your work relationships, Leo! Interpersonal Venus enters your Taurus-ruled career sector, asking you to build bonds between you and your colleagues. It's not just your competence but your connections that matter. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries on Sunday wants you to apply a recent lesson because when you know better, you have to do better!


Long distance lover, Virgo? Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday, putting interesting space between you and your boos. Think about chemistry across both space and contrast—it increases passion and curiosity! The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries on Sunday helps you frame intimacy in your mind, imagination, and communication skills for pleasurable results.


Go deeper, Libra! Venus enters your Taurus-ruled intimacy sector on Wednesday, helping you find the correlation between deeper knowing of partners to the sexual satisfaction and pleasurable outcomes. A thoughtful Sun-Mercury conjunction in your Aries-ruled trust sector on Sunday wants you to find the balance between your wants and others' desires!


Opposites attract, Scorpio! Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday, and you'll be feeling chemistry in the air for people who wouldn't expect. Try confidently engaging with the unknown for powerful effects! The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries on Sunday wants you to experiment with a routine, habit, and/or strategy that optimizes your wellbeing.


It's the little things, Sag! Venus enters your Taurus-ruled detail sector on Wednesday, harmonizing your relationship to wellbeing and helping you notice who's noticing the little things about you. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries on Sunday wants you to self-disclose a hope, fear, wanting, and/or desire to someone who needs to hear it!


You're so brave, Cap! Venus enters your Taurus-ruled confidence sector on Wednesday, helping you feel courageous after you've softened into vulnerability, joy, and emotional exposure. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries on Sunday wants you to connect to the people, places, and experiences that feel just like home.


Who keeps your heart safe, Aquarius? Venus enters your Taurus-ruled home, family, and emotional safety zone on Wednesday, asking you to connect with people who prioritize your security. Remember that straight talk leads to straight understanding this Sunday under the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries. Find a blend of compassion and authenticity.


Speak your romantic desires, Pisces! Venus enters your Taurus-ruled communication zone on Wednesday, empowering you to perceive, speak, and listen to receive the relationship results you want. Sunday's Sun-Mercury conjunction in your Aries-ruled pleasure, safety, and embodiment zone wants you to prioritize self-care!


What does your zodiac sign say about you? Subscribe to Cosmopolitan Philippines and find out!

This article originally appeared on Minor edits have been made by the editors.

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Source: Cosmo PH

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